A Platform for Discussion and Learning about AI
The Gradient is an organization with the missions of making it easier for anyone to learn about AI and of facilitating discussion within the AI community. Our current projects include The Gradient Magazine, The Gradient Podcast, The Update newsletter, and the Mastodon instance Sigmoid Social.
We are a non-profit and volunteer-run effort run by a collection of grad students, researchers, and engineers from various institutions and companies. We were founded in 2017 by a group of students and researchers at the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (SAIL).
What is on The Gradient
Our magazine primarily hosts two types of articles: accessible but technically informed overviews of the state of the art and its future, and critical and well-informed perspectives on artificial intelligence topics by researchers and experts in the field. Some example articles are:
Our Update newsletter covers recent and important news items and papers—we aim to provide context and perspective in addition to the latest stories and editor-picked research papers.
Our Podcast looks at AI from a variety of angles: we interview researchers across the spectrum of AI, investors, industry executives, science fiction authors, and more. People seem to like it :)

Support The Gradient
We are a non-profit and volunteer-run effort run by researchers in the AI community. We greatly appreciate your support, which will help us cover hosting costs and other expenses. In return, you will get:
Early access to new Gradient articles,
Perpetual access to our bi-weekly newsletter and podcast series