This is such a rich and wonderful discussion. Is it possible to add a transcript? I'd love to teach with this conversation.

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Thank you!! There’s a transcript you should be able to see just under the audio player if you’re using a browser (I think it might not be visible on the app?). Let me know if that helps — also happy to share in a file if that’s useful

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Ah, yes. I see it. Thanks for directing me to it, and thanks for your really interesting work!

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I really admire Sacasas’ approach to criticism, and this interview really resonated with that aspect of his work. Thank you so much for this!

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Thanks so much for listening!

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Lots of words. Very meta. I listened to the whole 1h40 and I'm still not sure what the discussion was about.

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But I guess I just don't have the philosophical background necessary to follow the guest's train of thoughts.

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I am recent to the podcast. I found this week’s (Sacasas) much less stimulating than last (Wolfendale). Your Qs were better than the As. Some As were superficial, bordering on vapid. To have read Arendt, Ellul, Postman, etc. is not to have synthesized their writings into something newly relevant, and he had not. As a thinker, he seemed a dilettante, a typical 21st cent. non-expert offering opinions drawn from a subjective, inchoate (not “incohate”) metaphysics. I listened through to the end hoping for something to cause me to think, but that never happened. You, however, were great.

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